It’s the start of a new year again! Time is really flying, as evidenced by the date of my last having written a blog post entry here. For you who are reading this, I thank you. I am well. Things have changed a bit since I last wrote though. I now live in the wilds of New Mexico again. I find it beautiful and tranquil, but I’m not kidding myself - it’s not an easy life up here. This is partly due to my age, but mostly due to my circumstances. I won’t dive into all that, but what I will say is that it’s absolutely freezing up here right now - a far cry from what I was used to in Florida - and I’m constantly freezing my giblets off. February will be worse, but I don’t back down from a challenge, even if I don’t like it.
Despite the cold, there are a few rays of sunshine here. I’ve reacquainted myself with some old friends and have also made some wonderful new ones. I’m even able to work on some music with a few of them which has been great as well.
I still practice and play, and once warmed up still feel great about my playing. Apparently, these old bones still have it after all. Besides playing for fun and to keep my chops up, I’m still slowly writing my own music and have been working on my album with my new friends also. It’s been a long time coming, but maybe this will finally be the year I finish and release my new album. Stay tuned, and thank you for sticking with me.
Peach, love and blessings.
Happy New Year!
Danny Wilding
My, it’s been a while.
Hello Friends,
As the title suggest, it has been a while since I’ve been here to update you on what’s been going on. There’s no sugar coating it. It’s been a difficult last 6-9 months. I’m not a pessimist or a negative person, but the upheaval in my life has been quite a lot. To sum up, but not to dwell, last year I lost wife to cancer, my mum to old age, my dog to old age also, and my home. I then moved house, and also had a pretty major surgery not even 3 months ago. It’s been a lot!
But, I’m glad it’s all behind me now. I’m recovering well and playing the flute again. I feel happy, fit and refreshed, and intend on attacking the music over the coming months again.
I hope you are all well and thank you for reading this super short blurb.
I will be back here again soon.
I’m Terrible With Facebook
Hello Friends,
The title of this blog post is very appropriate. Very, very appropriate. I lost access to my Facebook page for a couple years, and have only recently got back in and have started connecting with people again. One area that I had completely neglected was my messages and my “wall” or feed on my profile, or whatever it’s called. I’ve only just started going back through everything now. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’ve just discovered that I have unread messages from 10 years ago in there! The first one I opened was a message from my dear old friend, Roger, who is a successful musician and artist. He sent me the beautiful piece of nostalgia below, which we recorded at Island Records’ Basing Street studios in London around 1974, if memory serves me correct.
If anything, I hope the pure sound of the recording alone brings back as many memories for you as it has me.
PS… Apparently, when posting Youtubes I’m supposed to ask you to press the like button and to subscribe to his channel before I go as well. So, there you have it. Please and thank you!
Rummaging Through Memories
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m still here. It’s been quiet but don’t you worry.
I was rummaging through a box of memorabilia in my studio the other day and found a few things I wanted to share with you. The first items of note were a couple CDs that I had played on with Brand-X. These you can still find and play, and buy online but the third CD was a Christmas album released only in New Mexico which, if you were a collector, would be a right bugger to find right now.
The last thing I found was a couple of newspaper clippings of myself. In the clipping below, you’ll see me playing at the New Mexico Capital rotunda. This photo was placed front and center on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal on the 6. February 1997.
That’s all for now. I’m still working on new music and I will update you all about it when the time is right and I’m closer to releasing my EP.
Thank you and God bless,
This past weekend, I was invited to perform at a private event down in Sarasota, FL. Up until COVID this had been an annual event, and one that I’ve enjoyed performing at very much. After taking a break in 2020, this was the second time it had been back since, and it was just lovely to go down there again!
I drove down 3 days prior, to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones and just had a terrific time. On ‘game day’ (3/20/22), I performed a set of 5 songs consisting of some of my favourite pieces outside on the lawn by the lake. A good friend of mine, Charles Chamot - the famous artist, captured one of my pieces on video, which I’ve uploaded to Youtube and embedded below.
One interesting fact about my playing, and the flute in general, is that whenever I play outside, I seem to attract a lot of birds. They tend to either fly all around me, or they perch up in nearby trees and listen to me play. In the video below, you’ll notice that I gesture up about half way through. The birds had started circling me again! I wish we could have caught them flying around me on camera, but we’ll just have to catch them doing it next time instead.
I’m back in Miramar Beach, FL now, and it’ll be back to working on my new material very soon again.
Danny Wilding
Brand-X: The Desert Years
Many of you who have followed me since the 1970’s will know that I was heavily involved with a band called Brand-X. Some might even say that I was a spiritual member of the band.
Last month, I had the extraordinary opportunity to reminisce and talk about my time and experiences with them on camera. A director from Paris, France, Sylvain Despretz, is making a documentary film about the band called “Brand-X: The Desert Years” and flew out to my beautiful part of Florida alongside Hollywood director of photography and camera man, Brian Hoodenpyle, to talk to me about them. In addition to the interview, I actually did a little recording for them as well. I’m not going to let the cat out of the bag on this one, but you might here me playing on a track on the film as well.
It was a great experience and I’m excited to see how it turns out and to also hear what my old friends in the band have to say as well. You can watch the teaser trailer for the film by clicking on the link below and the film is slated for release in 2023.
Brand-X: The Desert Years Teaser Trailer
My New Website Is Now Live!
New Website Live Now!
Hello All and welcome to my new website!
As with most things in life, this website is going to be and most likely stay a work in progress. My aim with it is to create a gateway / one stop hub to everything I’ve done and continue to do in my career. My plan is to aggregate all my online pages and allow easy access to news, music streaming, places to buy my music, videos online and my occasional social media posts here, or at least be able to direct you to them. Going forward I also want to create a mailing list so I can stay in touch with you without the middle man (I’m looking at you, Zuckerberg.)
Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you find something enjoyable here. If you like, you can also drop me a line via the contact form on the Contact page.
Danny Wilding