It’s the start of a new year again! Time is really flying, as evidenced by the date of my last having written a blog post entry here. For you who are reading this, I thank you. I am well. Things have changed a bit since I last wrote though. I now live in the wilds of New Mexico again. I find it beautiful and tranquil, but I’m not kidding myself - it’s not an easy life up here. This is partly due to my age, but mostly due to my circumstances. I won’t dive into all that, but what I will say is that it’s absolutely freezing up here right now - a far cry from what I was used to in Florida - and I’m constantly freezing my giblets off. February will be worse, but I don’t back down from a challenge, even if I don’t like it.
Despite the cold, there are a few rays of sunshine here. I’ve reacquainted myself with some old friends and have also made some wonderful new ones. I’m even able to work on some music with a few of them which has been great as well.
I still practice and play, and once warmed up still feel great about my playing. Apparently, these old bones still have it after all. Besides playing for fun and to keep my chops up, I’m still slowly writing my own music and have been working on my album with my new friends also. It’s been a long time coming, but maybe this will finally be the year I finish and release my new album. Stay tuned, and thank you for sticking with me.
Peach, love and blessings.
Happy New Year!
Danny Wilding