I’m Terrible With Facebook
Hello Friends,
The title of this blog post is very appropriate. Very, very appropriate. I lost access to my Facebook page for a couple years, and have only recently got back in and have started connecting with people again. One area that I had completely neglected was my messages and my “wall” or feed on my profile, or whatever it’s called. I’ve only just started going back through everything now. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’ve just discovered that I have unread messages from 10 years ago in there! The first one I opened was a message from my dear old friend, Roger, who is a successful musician and artist. He sent me the beautiful piece of nostalgia below, which we recorded at Island Records’ Basing Street studios in London around 1974, if memory serves me correct.
If anything, I hope the pure sound of the recording alone brings back as many memories for you as it has me.
PS… Apparently, when posting Youtubes I’m supposed to ask you to press the like button and to subscribe to his channel before I go as well. So, there you have it. Please and thank you!