My, it’s been a while.

Hello Friends,

As the title suggest, it has been a while since I’ve been here to update you on what’s been going on. There’s no sugar coating it. It’s been a difficult last 6-9 months. I’m not a pessimist or a negative person, but the upheaval in my life has been quite a lot. To sum up, but not to dwell, last year I lost wife to cancer, my mum to old age, my dog to old age also, and my home. I then moved house, and also had a pretty major surgery not even 3 months ago. It’s been a lot!

But, I’m glad it’s all behind me now. I’m recovering well and playing the flute again. I feel happy, fit and refreshed, and intend on attacking the music over the coming months again.

I hope you are all well and thank you for reading this super short blurb.

I will be back here again soon.






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